Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Girls in Tears...

·         Girls Cry When:
                        “When They’re Happy”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“Their Friends say mean things”

·         Girls Cry When:
“Their Pets die”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“They hate the way they look”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“People Copy their ideas”...

·         Girls Cry When:
“Things go wrong at home”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“Their Friends have secrets”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“Their friends say, They’re Fat”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“They Quarrel with their friends”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“Their boy-friends don’t understand”…

·         Girls Cry When:
“Their Dreams come True”…

·         Girls Cry When:

“When their Boy-Friends Betray them”…

·         Girls Cry When:

“Their hearts are breaking, breaking, breaking”…

·         Girls Cry When:

“They’re lonely”…

·         Girls Cry When:

“They wake up and Remember”…

·         Girls Cry When:

“They’re Sorry”…

·         Girls Cry When:

“Everything Ends Happily Ever After J ”…


  1. oiiii ikkaaa i wanna steal this post from your blog, it's so awesome. im totally in love with it. listen that she cries and you'll love it too ..

    P.S. Add the follower gadget, i wanna follow you.
    Your Dee.

  2. :D Aaaaaaa... Deee... doneee..

    Love you toooo <3

  3. Dee.. There's a follower gadget, already. :/

  4. Oh m God :P Cool blog :D
    And I'm simply in love with your post :D

  5. awww <3
    this so really nice
    it loooks like i have got a world of u all which have got such a nyc blog for ex AW YTMn now ITM u people are so really interesting

  6. Aww.. Thanku so much Anummunaf :))) <3 I loved ur blog too :D

  7. ohkay u have visited it thnxxx <3
